| SmallPhoto | Type of Item | Title | Price | Collectible ID | ABC |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific's "MORNING DAYLIGHT" here in 1953 leaving Los Angeles Union Station | $20.00 | TR2603 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific Northern Type No.4367 stands ahead on "four rail" before Sacramento's brick station, well eastward beyond trainshed ends, for she's a long train tonight | $20.00 | TR2644 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Kobe siding, situated on the DENVER & RIO GRANDE Western ROYAL GORGE at an altitude of 9160 ft., is close to the upper end of one of the nation's longest railroad grades, which follows the Arkansas River for 162 miles between Pueblo, Colorado | $20.00 | TR3141 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | PENNSYLVANIA's BROADWAY LIMITED - GG1-class electric 1962 | $20.00 | TR2900 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Western Pacific's eastbound FT, No.903 works its tonnage past the Oroville depot, California on a bygone morning in January 1942 | $20.00 | TR2816 | C |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | FLYING SCOTSMAN charges through Illinois landscapes - post card 1972 | $20.00 | TR3224 | D |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Great Northern in photo we see ALCO No. 279 and 278, model FA-2 and FB-2 , coupled together at Hillyard. Photographed on a pristine fall day in October 9, 1951 | $20.00 | TR3115 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The BALTIMORE & OHIO had assigned pair of GM-EMD diesel for the new COLUMBIAN | $20.00 | TR2913 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific train No. 28, the eastbound "San Francisco Overland", climbs up toward the summit on it's daylight crossing of the famous mountain range, October, 1950 | $20.00 | TR2741 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The Canadian Pacific's Eaestbound CANADIAN , the new train was comprised almost entirely of lightweight stainless-steel cars with high-speed 4-wheel trucks | $20.00 | TR3247 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The two locomotives ALCO-GE's, with a three-car railfan special, are seen in this picture taken atop Cajon Pass in the early 1964 | $15.00 | TR2502 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Norkolk and Western "Powhatan Arrow" westbound out of Norfolk at 7:00 am, in 80 minutes, which required some 90-mph, running because of station stop 1949 | $20.00 | TR3190 | B |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | General Motors , the first of three E3-models, and two E6-models they replaced steam power on the FLYING CROW 1947 | $20.00 | TR2873 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | No.128 is hauling the eastbound Cincinnati, Ohio, to Norfolk, Virginina, POCAHONTAS pictured here about 1940 | $20.00 | TR3186 | B |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | SEASON'S GREETINGS 1972-1973 - UPPER MARKET STREET GALLERY - 1972 | $20.00 | TR3294 | B |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | UNION PACIFIC "City of Portland" the motive power hauling the CITY OF PORTLAND in this 1950 scene | $20.00 | TR2982 | A |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific's 4449 is shown at the Portland, Oregon Union Station . The big "DAYLIGHT" GS-4 1981 | $10.00 | TR2660 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific ALCO PA diesel units, headed by No.6005, pull train No.27, the westbound "SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND - 1960 | $20.00 | TR2745 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The mainline of the SANTA FE RAILWAY stretches somewhat more than 2200 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles on the Pacific coast, and even though the terrain is much the same for hundreds of miles locomotives were changed at every point until 1923 | $20.00 | TR2507 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Tran No.123, Santa-Fe's westbound GRANDE CANYON, approaching the west siding switch at Summit - November 16, 1963 | $20.00 | TR2498 | |