| SmallPhoto | Type of Item | Title | Price | Collectible ID | ABC |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Western Pacific's westbound CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR faces into the afternoon sun as it rolls thru Mayburg, in Niles Canyon just east in California. It is February 22, 1950 | $20.00 | TR2830 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | General Motors Diesel Locomotive hauls the Canadian National Railway's "SUPER CONTINENTAL" transcontinental passenger | $8.50 | TR3235 | A |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | In this scene a double headed westbound freight is drifting downgrade between Dale Creek and the tunnel just ahead. The help, carrying the road-engine's number is UP No.2137, Union Pacific No.2137 is a Baldwin 2-8-2 | $15.00 | TR3026 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | New York Central System - passenger train, pulled by a pair of ALCO PA/PB-1 model diesel-electric units 1950 | $20.00 | TR2941 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | UNION PACIFIC "City of Los Angeles" portrayed in this picture (and that of the following section) represented deluxe long-distance, High-speed railroad travel at it's zenith | $20.00 | TR2988 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | SANTA FE large sticker 70's | $35.00 | TR2445 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | CITY OF PORTLAND, One of Union Pacific's Domeliner, "City of Portland" travel eastbound in the Columbia River Gorge about 50 miles east of Portland | $20.00 | TR3002 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | THe fastest thing on wheels between Chicago and San Francisco is the "CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO" | $20.00 | TR3005 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The 15-car "City of Los Angeles on this occasion is being pulled by three diesel-electric units number 927, 969B, 961B of E9 models 1955 | $20.00 | TR2982 | B |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | New York Central EMPIRE STATE EXPRESS between New York and Buffalo 1961 | $20.00 | TR2950 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | A trio of Southern Pacific E.M.D. E-7 diesel units lead train No.2, the new streamliner Budd-build "Sunset Limited", east near Whetstone, Arizona. in 1950 | $20.00 | TR2751 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The famous Keddie Bridge on the Western Pacific plays host to an early morning BN-WP pool freight | $10.00 | TR2840 | B |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Norfolk and Western deluxe all-coach train the TENNESSEAN | $20.00 | TR3194 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | American Locomotive Company supplied SOUTHERN PACIFIC with one hundred diesel-electric switchers basically like No.1468 | $20.00 | TR2797 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The southbound DAYLIGHT 4449 GS-4 excursion to the Sacramento Railfair '81 skirts the Willamette River 1981 | $10.00 | TR2662 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | The westbound Santa Fe's SAN FRANCISCO CHIEF has just emerged from the shorter tunnel, and the longer one is about three miles farther ahead | $20.00 | TR2490 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | SOUTHERN PACIFIC's No.4272 an AC-11, turned out by Baldwin in 1942. She also happens to be the locomotive pictured as a representative of this general "Class", the cab-in-front design - pictured in Rand,McNaily & Company's "World Railways" of 1951 | $20.00 | TR2787 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | FRISCO Twenty Grand F-7 locomotive | $20.00 | TR2861 | |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Union Pacific's "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" LA-4 eastbound is headed downgrade at Aspen, Wyoming | $20.00 | TR2974 | A |
 |  | Trains_and_Railroad | Southern Pacific Commuter train in this scene four trains are lined up at the Third and Townsend station in San Francisco 1972 | $20.00 | TR2803 | |