SmallPhotoType of ItemAlternate Type of ItemTitlePriceMovie Posters IDABC
 Austrailian Daybill 13 1/4" x 25 1/2" tall - A condition foldedWarner Bros. presents "WYATT EARP" starring Kevin Costner 1994$100.00MP3276 
 French 1-sheet A condition foldedWarner Bros. present Warren Beatty & Susannah York in "GENTLEMAN DE LONDRES" ("KALEIDOSCOPE") - The Switch-On Thriller - A Gershwin-Kastner Production 1966$150.00MP2470 
 Belguin Poster 14" x 22" wide - A condition except for folded Warner Bros Presete stelt voor HENRY FONDA, JOANNE WOODWARD in "HOLD UP A LA CARTIE" Big Deal at Dodge City 1966$150.00MP2808B
 German 1-sheet 23 1/4" x 33 1/4" tall - A-condition rolled Warner Bros.- Seven Arts Zeigen Eine Phil Feldman produktion "THE WILD BUNCH" 1969$350.00MP2937 
Window Card 14x22 Warner Bros. super action show of shows! "BATTLE OF THE BULGE" - Warner Brothers 1966$150.00MP0411 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B-condition the bottom picture is not faded, it's the lighting...Warner Bros'. "TASK FORCE" Gary Cooper 1949$150.00MP0331C
 U.S.Window card 14" x 22" tall - A condition flatWarners adventure of the Century!!! ERROL FLYNN, ALEXIS SMITH in Technicolor! "SAN ANTONIO" 1945$425.00MP3425 
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - Folded B-conditionWARREN BEATTY & JULIE CHRISTIE in "McCABE & MRS. MILLER" 1971$100.00MP2787 
 US 1-Sheet 27" x 41" tall - A condition - Folded been flat for a long, long timeWarren Beatty & Susannah York in KALEIDOSCOPE - A Gershwin-Kastner Production 1966$100.00MP2469B
 US Insert 14" x 36" tall - A-conditionWarren Beatty & Susannah York in KALEIDOSCOPE The Switched-on Thriller 1966$125.00MP2469A
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B condition foldedWatch'em grab "The Desert Fox" by the Tail! Columbia Pictures presents "EL ALAMEIN" 1953$100.00MP0379 
 U.S.Half-sheet 22" x 28" wide - A-condition rolledWATCH OUT!! "PANIC IN THE STREETS" Richard Widmark, Paul Douglas - A 20th Century-Fox Picture 1950$250.00MP2273 
 Poster 17" x 25" wide - A condition rolledWESTERN HEROES - Hoppy Gene and the Lone Ranger, May 14 - September 8, 1992. The Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum$100.00MP3612A
Window Card 14x22 WE WANT YOU! Horst Buchholz, Elsa Martinelli, Akim Tamiroff, Omar Sharif, Orson Welles & Anthony Quinn MARCO THE MAGNIFICENT! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 1966$60.00MP0288B
 U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B condition foldedWhat was the unspeakable secret of the SEA OF LOST SHIPS? "CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA" - Produced and Directed by Roger Corman - A Filmgroup Presentation 1961$150.00MP0033B
 U.S.1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - B condition foldedWhat was the unspeakable secret of the SEA OF LOST SHIPS? "CREATURE FROM THE HAUNTED SEA" - Roger Corman 1961$250.00MP0033A
 U.S.Lobby card #C 11" x 14" wide A condition"WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" A Movie Based on the Twisted Legend of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - starring Peter Boyle, Bill Murray as Dr.Hunter S. Thompson - A Universal Picture 1980$20.00MP2401C
 U.S.Lobby card #B 11" x 14" wide A condition"WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" A Movie Based on the Twisted Legend of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - starring Peter Boyle, Bill Murray as Dr.Hunter S. Thompson - A Universal Picture 1980$20.00MP2401B
 U.S.Lobby card #D 11" x 14" wide A condition"WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" A Movie Based on the Twisted Legend of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - starring Peter Boyle, Bill Murray as Dr.Hunter S. Thompson - A Universal Picture 1980$20.00MP2401D
 U.S.Lobby card #A 11" x 14" wide A condition"WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM" A Movie Based on the Twisted Legend of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - starring Peter Boyle, Bill Murray as Dr.Hunter S. Thompson - A Universal Picture 1980$20.00MP2401A

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R A N D Y   T U T E N .    A R T I S T .    S F   B A Y   A R E A .    C A L I F O R N I A


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