SmallPhotoType of ItemAlternate Type of ItemTitlePriceMovie Posters IDABC
 German 1-sheet 23 1/2" x 33" tall - foldedDas tollkuhnste Kommandounternehmen des 2.Weltkrieges ("THE EAGEL HAS LANDED") German poster - Directed by John Sturges A Columbia Picture 1977$150.00MP0394 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide rolledM-G-M presents ABOVE AND BEYOND starring ROBERT TAYLOR, ELEANOR PARKER with JAMES WHITMORE, MARILYN ERSKINE - An M-G-M Picture 1952$45.00MP1772 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide"PILOT#5" starring Franchot Tone, Marsha Hunt, Gene Kelly with Van Johnson, Alan Baxter, Dick Simmons - A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture 1942$200.00MP0322B
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - foldedNeville M. Meyer presents JIM BROWN, RICHARD JAECKEL in "PACIFIC INFERNO" also starring WILMA READING, TAD HORINO, TIM BROWN - 1979$50.00MP0326 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide rolled20th Century - Fox presents "PATTON" - George C. Scott, Karl Malden 1970$75.00MP0405A
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide foldedThe epic story of U.S.S. ESSUX and her FIGHTING FALCONS! "AIT STRIKE" Dynamite Punch of Uncle Sam's Navy! - Cy Roth presents RICHARD DENNING - A Lippert Production 1955$100.00MP1760 
 French Window card 17" x 28" tall - B conditionVIVA BARDOT, VIVA MOREAU in "VIVA MARIA" un film de LOUIS MALLE with GEORGE HAMILTON - United Artists 1965$100.00MP3547 
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - foldedWING AND A PRAYER The Story of Carrier X with DON AMECHE, DANA ANDREWS, WILLIAM EYTHE, CHARLES BICKFORD, SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE - Directed by Henry Hathaway - 20th Century-Fox 1944$250.00MP0295A
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition foldedParamount presents FRANK LLOYD'S "WELLS FARGO" starring JOEL McCREA, BOB BURNS, FRANCES DEE - 1958$80.00MP2725 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition foldedhe Mirisch Company, Inc presents "THE GUNFIGHT AT DODGE CITY" starring Joel McCrea co-starring Julie Adams, John McIntire, Nacy Gates - United Artist 1959.$75.00MP3365B
 U.S. Glossy Still 8" x 10" wideBlack & White Glossy STILL - "TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT" with HUMPHEY BOGART & LAUREN LACALL - Directed by Howard Hawks 1944$45.00MP2186 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wideB.R.K. presents LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG co-starring MARK MURPHY, NORMA EBERHARDT, SHERIDAN COMERATE, MICHAEL CONNORS - A Universal Release 1958.$200.00MP2148 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide rolledSeltzer Films Inc. presents STERLING HAYDEN in "TERROR IN A TEXAS TOWN" co-starring SEBASTIAN CABOT, CARROL KELLY with MARILEE EARLE - United Artists 1958$80.00MP3102 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide rolled"ISLAND OF DESIRE" David E. Rose presents LINDA DARNELL, TAB HUNTER - A Coronado Production 1952$50.00MP0197 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide rolled - B-condition - Left Wrinkles "YOUNG AND WILD" in Naturama starring GENE EVANS, SCOTT MARLOWE, CAROLYN KEARNEY, ROBERT ARTHUR - Republic Pictures presents An ESLA Production 1958$250.00MP2146 
 Austrailian 1-sheet 27" x 42" tall - folded - A ConditionDino De Laurentiis presents A Michael Crichton Film "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" starring SEAN CONNERY, DONALD SUTHERLAND and LESLEY-ANNE DOWN - A John Foreman Production - Directed by Michael Crichton - United Artists 1979$100.00MP2293A
 Austrailian 1-sheet 27" x 42" tall - folded - A ConditionDino De Laurentiis presents A Michael Crichton Film "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" starring SEAN CONNERY, DONALD SUTHERLAND and LESLEY-ANNE DOWN - A John Foreman Production - Directed by Michael Crichton - United Artists 1979$100.00MP2293B
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition - folded - some edge tearing FRESH! WONDERFUL! LAUGHTER! - CLIFTON WEBB, GINGER ROGERS in "DREAM BOAT" co-starring ANNE FRANCIS, JEFFREY HUNTER - A 20th Century-Fox 1952$60.00MP3742 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - rolledDAMON RUNYON'S " STOP, YOU'RE KILLING ME" starring BRODERICK CRAWFORD, CLAIRE TREVOR - A Warner Bros. Riot! 1952$150.00MP3788 
 Eroupian 1-sheet 27" x 42" tall - B+conditionHoward Hawks Mighty Production CORVETTE K-225 starring Randolph Scott with James Brown, Noah Berry jr., Barry Fitzgerald, Robert Mitchum - Produced by Howard Hawks A Universal Picture 1943$400.00MP0303C

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