| SmallPhoto | Type of Item | Alternate Type of Item | Title | Price | Movie Posters ID | ABC |
 |  | | | THREE STOOGES and SONS - Photographs or copy | $15.00 | MP3721 | |
 |  | | U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition folded | THRILLING EPIC of LAWLESS TOMBSTONE DAYS Carl Laemunle presents "LAW AND ORDER" 1932 | $950.00 | MP3174 | |
 |  | | U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B condition rolled | THRILLS! ADVENTURES! LAUGHS! David O. Selznick Presents his production of MARK TWAIN'S "THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER" R1985 | $150.00 | MP3570 | |
 |  | | U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition folded | "THUNDER ISLAND" starring Gene Nelson - An Associated Producers, Inc. Production 1963 | $100.00 | MP2111 | |
 |  | | U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby card 22"x 28" wide - B condition folded | THUNDER OVER HAWAII originally called "NAKED PARADISE" directed by Roger Corman - An American-International Picture 1957 | $250.00 | MP0198 | B |
 |  | | U.S.Window card 14" x 22" tall - B condition folded | "TIKO AND THE SHARK" Marlene Among - A Titanus-Metro Film released by M-G-M 1963 | $100.00 | MP0244 | |
 |  | | U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition folded | "TIKO AND THE SHARK" Tropic Paradise! Daring Rescue! - A Titanus-Metro Film released by M-G-M 1963 | $75.00 | MP0244 | A |
 |  | | U.S.Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - B condition folded | TIM HOLT in "WAGON TRAIN" - An RKO Radio Picture 1953 | $100.00 | MP2972 | |
 |  | | Spanish 1-sheet 29" x 43 1/2" tall - Lenin-backed - A condition | TITANIC El Desastre Que Conmovio Al Mundo Kenneth More LA ULTIMA NOCHE DEL TITANIC (A Night to Remember) - 1958 | $450.00 | MP1841 | B |
 |  | | Half-sheet 22" x 28" Lobby - A condition | TITANIC starring Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck - 20th Century Fox 1953 | $400.00 | MP1821 | B |
 |  | | US 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - Linen-backed - A+condition | TITANIC starring Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck - 20th Century Fox 1953 | $2,000.00 | MP1820 | |
 |  | | 14 x 36" insert - A condition | TITANIC starring Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck - 20th Century Fox 1953 | 400.00 | MP1821 | A |
 |  | | U.S. Lobby/Title card #1 11" x 14" wide - A- condition papered yellowed, staple holes at bottom | Today's Most Astounding Adventure... that started a million years ago! DINOSAURUS! - 1960 | $100.00 | MP0040 | A |
 |  | | Window card 14"x 22" tall - A-condition | TODAY'S MOST ASTOUNDING ADVENTURE...that started a million years ago! Jack H. Harris' production of DINOSAURUS! 1960 | $250.00 | MP0038 | A |
 |  | | Quad-Crown 30" x 40" wide | TODAY'S MOST ASTOUNDING ADVENTURE... that started a million years ago Jack H. Harris' production of DINOSAURUS! - CinemaScope - Color by Deluxe 1960 | $300.00 | MP0039 | |
 |  | Lobby 22x28 | | TODAY'S MOST ASTOUNDING ADVENTURE... that started a million years ago! Jack H. Harris' production of DINOSAURUS! CinemaScope Color by Deluxe - A Universal-International Release 1960 | $375.00 | MP0038 | |
 |  | | German 1-sheet 23 1/4" x 33 1/4" tall - A-condition folded . | TOMBSTONE "My Darling Clementine ein film von JOHN FORD - Henry Fonda R1960 | $400.00 | MP3195 | |
 |  | | U.S.1-sheet 27" x 40" tall - A condition rolled | TOM ROTH - A Fable by Giuseppe Tornatore "THE LEGEND OF 1900" 1998 | $80.00 | MP1897 | |
 |  | | U.S. Window card 14" x 22" tall - rolled | TONY CURTIS in "THE GREAT IMPOSTER" also starring EDMOND O'BRIAN, ARTHUR O'CONNELL, GARY MERRILL, RAYMOND MASSEY - A Columbia Picture 1961 | $100.00 | MP2279 | |
 |  | | U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby 22" x 28" wide - folded | TONY CURTIS in "THE GREAT IMPOSTER" also starring EDMOND O'BRIAN, ARTHUR O'CONNELL, GARY MERRILL, RAYMOND MASSEY - A Columbia Picture 1961 | $100.00 | MP2279 | |