SmallPhotoType of ItemAlternate Type of ItemTitlePriceMovie Posters IDABC
 German Lobby card #G - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" tall - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP Lobby card #G Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284 
 U.S. Window card 14" x 22" wideJACK PALANCE, IDA LUPINO, WENDELL COREY, JEAN HAGEN, ROD STEIGER, ILKA CHASE, EVERETT SLOANE, WESLEY ADDY and Miss SHELLEY WINTERS in "THE BIG KNIFE" Produced and Directed by Robert Aldrich - United Artists 1955$100.00MP2355 
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - folded"WOLFEN" There is no defense. A King-Hitzig production of a Michael Wadiegh film starring ALBERT FINNEY Orion Pictures 1981$50.00MP0184 
 U.S. Half-sheet/Lobby B 22" x 28" wideRKO Presents ROBERT MITCHUM, JANE GREER, WILLIAM BENDIX in "THE BIG STEAL" with Patric Knowles, Ramon Navarro, Don Alvarado, John Qualen - Directed by Don Siegel - RKO Pictures 1949$750.00MP2205B
 U.S.Title card 11" x 14" wideRKO Presents ROBERT MITCHUM, JANE GREER, WILLIAM BENDIX in "THE BIG STEAL" with Patric Knowles, Ramon Navarro, Don Alvarado, John Qualen - Directed by Don Siegel - RKO Pictures 1949$300.00MP2203 
 U.S.Window card 14" x 22" tall - A conditionAlbert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman present SEAN CONNERY in Ian Fleming's "THUNDERBALL" with Claudine Auger, Adolfd Celi, Luciana Paluzzi - Directed by Terence Young - United Artists 1965$2,000.00MP2516 
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition foldedColumbia Pictures presents GENE AUTRY World's Greatest Cowboy and CHAMPION World's Wonder Horse in "WAGON TEAM" with GAIL DAVIS, CASS COUNTY BOYS and PAT BUTTRAM - A Gene Autry Production 1952$100.00MP2963 
 U.S. 1-sheet 27" x 41" tall - foldedSILVANA MANGANO in "OUTLAW GIRL" with AMEDEO NAZZARI and UMBERTO SPADARO - A Ponti-De Laurentis Production 1955$100.00MP2150 
 German Lobby card #F - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" tall - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #H Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284H
 German Lobby card #I - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #I Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284I
 German Lobby card #J - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #J Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284J
 German Lobby card #K - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #K Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284K
 German Lobby card #L - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #L Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284L
 German Lobby card #L - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #M Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284M
 German Lobby card #N - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" wide - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #N Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284N
 German Lobby card #O - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" tall - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #O Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284O
 German Lobby card #P - 8 3/16" x 11 11/16" tall - A conditionGerman WYATT EARP - Das Leben Einer Legende - Lobby card #P Warner Brothers 1994$10.00MP3284P
 Comix book 7" x 10" tall - D+ condition comix Book will warren 1950Art for first inside page for: Paramount Picture New Western COPPER CANYON starring RAY MILLAND, HEDY LAMARR - A Fawcett Publication - Comix Book 1950$100.00MP2806 
 British 1-sheet 27" x 40" tall - A conditionWalter Matthau as "CHARLEY VARRICK" The Last of the Independents co-starring Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr, Andy Robinson, Sheree North and John Vernon - Produced and Directed by Don Siegel - A Universal Picture 1973.$300.00MP2351C
 U.S.Insert 14" x 36" tall - B condition folded"LORD JIM" A Film by Richard Brooks starring PETER O'TOOLE, JAMES MASON, CURT JURGENS, ELI WALLACH, JACK HAWKINS, PAUL LUKAS also starring AKIM TAMIROFF with DALIAH LAVI - Written and Directed by Richard Brooks - A Columbia Picture 1965$150.00MP0229 

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